Dossier of european projects of the Energy Agency of Extremadura through its trajectory
Access to more information about the European projects that we have recently completed.
Access to more information about the European projects that we have recently completed.
Dossier of european projects of the Energy Agency of Extremadura through its trajectory
The main objective of the AgroRES project is to develop measures that promote the production and use of RE in the agricultural and rural sector, supporting this sector to solve their energy needs in a sustainable, economic, viable and socially responsible way.
The RESINDUSTRY project (Policy instruments for the application of renewable energy sources in industry) aims to improve the energy independence of the industrial sector in the EU, reducing energy consumption through the integration of renewable energy sources.
FIRESPOL promotes private investment, regionally specialized and decentralized, in renewable energies, by introducing improvements in the management of OPs that seek to break the financial barriers that currently stop investment in the RES sector.
The EC's "Clean Energy for All Europeans" package was established to accelerate the clean energy transition and growth and job creation. To this end, DeCarb will support public authorities
RIPEET's main objective is to develop a methodology to create energy transition itineraries led by European regions and their innovation ecosystems.