FACILITA: Facilitating Ambitious Energy Renovation of Public Buildings through Integrated Services in Spain
Access to more information about the European projects that we are currently implementing.
Access to more information about the European projects that we are currently implementing.
FACILITA: Facilitating Ambitious Energy Renovation of Public Buildings through Integrated Services in Spain
FEEnERT: Promotion of Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings of Traditional Architecture in the Cross-Border Environment
UNIFHY: Unifying policies to support the uptake of green hydrogen to decarbonize Europe
RuralMED Mobility - Adopting electric mobility in underserved rural and remote MED areas
TRANSCOM EUROACE: Cross-border network of Energy Communities in EUROACE region
Dossier of european projects of the Energy Agency of Extremadura through its trajectory
Through the ELENA instrument of the European Investment Bank, which finances the Junta de Extremadura technical assistance to carry out energy, legal and financial studies, the RENOWABE project aims to mobilize an investment of EUR 39 million (EUR 27.5 million for energy efficiency and EUR 11.5 million for EERR) in public administration buildings of Extremadura. in line with the objectives established in the "Estrategy of energy efficiency in the administrative buildings of the regional government of Extremadura"
The general objective of ShareRES is to promote and improve policies that allow active participation of citizen energy communities in the energy market, which will lead to a more decarbonized and flexible energy system.
The main objective of the MonitorEE project is to improve policies that address energy efficiency and performance in buildings, through the analysis of consumption and energy patterns in target buildings, the simulation of the theoretical demand after implementing energy improvements and the Supervision of energy consumption.
CSP ERANET is the result of a joint EU will to close the gap between research and commercial deployment in Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technology, so that this technology can play a leading role in European electricity generation. renewable in the medium term.