OCTOPUS, a European project to accelerate the energy transition at the local level

The Extremadura Energy Agency (AGENEX) took part in the first in-person meeting of the OCTOPUS project, which was held this week in Lyon, France. This initiative aims to promote sustainable and innovative energy solutions in six European territories: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (France), the Basque Country and Extremadura (Spain), the Ústí region (Czech Republic), the Mazovia region (Poland), and Cyprus through its energy agency.
Led by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Energy and Environment Agency, the main objective of the project is to support public authorities and energy agencies so they can influence decision-making in energy matters.
Collaboration Networks
To achieve this, the creation of EONs (Enabling Organisational Networks) will be promoted. These collaborative networks consist of local and regional administrations and entities aimed at improving coordination and communication between different governance levels.
These networks are also seen as a space to listen to their needs and offer technical and training support in energy matters, with the goal of ensuring that solutions are tailored to the challenges of each region.
During the meeting, each partner presented the energy context of their region and the current state of implementation of their EON. They also received training on strategies to energize, strengthen, and consolidate these collaboration networks.
OCTOPUS Consortium
OCTOPUS – hOw to aCceleraTe lOcal energy transition by suPporting mUnicipal authoritieS (How to accelerate the local energy transition by supporting municipal authorities) is a project funded by the European Union through the LIFE program. With a total budget of 1.6 million euros, the project has a duration of three years (November 2024 – October 2027).