Renewable energies and self-consumption

The UNIFHY project, led by AGENEX, gathers partners from six European countries in Badajoz to promote green hydrogen and biogas

The Extremadura Energy Agency (AGENEX) will host the first in-person meeting of the UNIFHY project this Wednesday and Thursday in Badajoz. This initiative, co-financed by the European Union through the Interreg Europe program, aims to promote public policies that support the adoption of green hydrogen and other biogases as sustainable energy alternatives. The project involves six partners from Spain, Denmark, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Ireland, and Poland, coordinated by AGENEX.

The event will feature the participation of around twenty representatives from energy agencies and public authorities from the involved European regions, as well as the private sector. In addition to the project's coordination meetings, AGENEX has scheduled an agenda that includes talks and technical visits led by several entities from Extremadura that are working in this area.

Event Agenda

The opening day will take place at the Scientific and Technologic Center of Extremadura (PCTEx). Regional organizations such as Metanogenia, Golendus, and the Iberian Center for Energy Storage Research (CIIAE) will share their experiences and ongoing research and innovation projects in biofuels. Invest in Extremadura, an initiative from the Government of Extremadura aimed at attracting investments to the region, will also present its work in this field.

After the talks, attendees will visit the green hydrogen pilot plant recently opened by the School of Industrial Engineers at the University of Extremadura.

The second day will feature two more visits. First, participants will go to Golendus' facilities in Lobón, where they will learn about the operation of the electric and hydrogen motor assembly line in vehicles. Later, they will visit the Extremadura Agri-food Technology Center (CTAEX) in Villafranco del Guadiana to see how biogas is generated from agri-food waste at its small pilot plant.

The UNIFHY Project

UNIFHY - Unifying policies to support the uptake of green hydrogen to decarbonize Europe is a project co-financed by the EU through the Interreg Europe program. With a total budget of nearly 1.4 million euros, it involves the energy agencies of Extremadura (AGENEX), southern Sweden (EASS), and southeastern Ireland (SEEA), as well as the regions of Lubelskie (Poland) and Moravia-Silesia (Czech Republic), and the municipality of Aalborg (Denmark).

The project was initiated to find sustainable energy alternatives, such as biogas and green hydrogen, that contribute to emission reduction, strengthen energy security, manage waste efficiently, and create jobs in rural areas. Its main focus is on actions to implement these alternatives in sectors with particular challenges in electrification, such as heavy transport and the industrial sector.